文網股份有限公司取得英國Cubic Logistics物流系統網頁設計案

日期 2014-10-21 01:00:00 | 新聞類別: 最新訊息


Cubic Logistics是位於英國的一間物流公司,提供英國寄香港及英國寄台灣包裹物流服務,網頁使用響應式Responsive Web Design設計,支援手機與平板電腦使用。
文網設計其線上物流預約系統,下單依Cubic Logistics規則略過英國假日,後台管理員可以使用手機隨時管理每一追蹤號運輸狀態,使用者在電腦或手機上輸入Tracking Number即可查詢。

At Cubic Logistics simply specialise in shipping your personal belongings safely and with care by air or sea from UK to Hong Kong or Taiwan, and the other way round too, from Hong Kong or Taiwan to UK. It doesn't stop there, Cubic Logistics can help you relocate to other places in Asia too.
That's not all we do, Cubic Logistics offer solutions to your excess baggage when on holiday and storage problems when going back home for the summer.
For businesses, Cubic Logistics connect the commercial link between east and west through our most trusted and reliable network of international partners.

KEYWORDS:Shipping to Hong Kong, Shipping to Taiwan, Personal Belongings, Ship, Air, Sending

Coding: CSS 3, HTML 5, JQuery, LESS, Semantic Code, Valid Coding;

Gallery Script: TouchTouch;

Responsive website XOOPS include several layout options - each is optimized for proper screen resolution. There are many width options included, but the major ones are for desktop, tablet and smartphones screens.

